Monday, July 7, 2014

Center Stage Gallery Gestures

Some gestures from Center Stage Gallery's Wednesday night sketch club. It's owned by the founder of CTN animation eXpo, so the gallery has some fantastic programming available. Pirates of the Caribbean theme with model John Tucker this past Wednesday, and then an exciting book talk this coming Sunday on Marc Davis and some key designers for the Pirates ride itself, including imagineer Alice Davis. (Living in LA is finally combining my love of animation and history and I'm just so excited about it!!)

In other news, my website is (sorta kinda) up and running. Web design is not yet my forte, but at least I'm learning!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

april 3hr studies

I keep feeling worried about what direction I should be taking my life drawings... 
and then I remember that there's no reason I need to pick just one way.

... really need to stop phoning in my backgrounds, though.
probably time to work on that or at least switch back to traditional media for a while.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Life Drawing Spring 2014- Digital Painting

While I've had quite a few life drawing classes, the one I'm in this semester is the first to allow me to try my hand at digital painting. Here's the first round of results, to varying degrees of success.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I feel bad because I never update this. Here's some William H. Macy while I work on some storyboards.