Monday, April 22, 2013

Old Scary Guy

I don't know, I was bored at omaha steaks.
Every sketchbook needs one unsettling dude.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Getting a handle on perspective

That's a lie I'm still very lost, but at least I'm discovering that I loveloveLOVE perspective/scenery drawing. I never thought I would, but I'm really enjoying this.

The one below was my attempt at simple 2 point. I know, an empty street. How original. But I had fun trying to sort out lighting.

This one I did in the emergency waiting room at like two am. Thankfully my friend was okay, but it gave me some nerve-wracking hours to doodle away. Also this is two point but it somehow turned into one point? Guh???? Help????

This doesn't count as perspective really (atmospheric?) but it fits in the theme of me trying to figure out how to draw scenery. I actually painted this on a wooden tabletop I found at home depot. Kind of cool because it's 20 inches across or so. 

In other news, my tablet finally gave out so I've been pathetically color-free for a while. But that's okay because I can do simple color stuff with just my travel watercolor set!